Hospital Bargaining 2023

Y025 Members vote in favor of tentative agreement

April 8, 2024

Ratification Vote Results

Once more, on behalf of the Union team - thank-you for your activism and participation these past few months!

The majority of the membership has voted in favor of the tentative agreement presented at our meetings last Friday.  This means we have ratified the tentative agreement.

Next steps:

We will advise the hospital formally and will begin the work of drafting your new agreement. The employer will be responsible for working on the retroactive pay and implementation of the new items that have been agreed to.

Other Items:

We are still getting signed petitions and will be passing them on to the Employer as a reminder of the importance of involving the union membership in critical decisions about our future. So, we would ask that you please continue with signing the petition if you have not already done so. We would ask that all the signed petitions be returned either to any one of the team members identified at our membership information meetings or drop them off at the Union office.

Look for more updates in the near future on a general membership meeting, where we hope to be able to elect a new executive and continue the work that has been done over this last round of bargaining.

Ratification Update

March 28, 2024

On behalf of the Union team a heartfelt thank-you. Attached find a copy of the letter of agreement that we signed off with the employer yesterday evening. This letter will serve to stop cold any recommendation to change the plan text, will also ensure parity on the matter of any pension contribution relief. We could not have achieved this without your active support and understanding.


In Solidarity, 

Your Bargaining Team


March 1, 2024

After long negotiations and conciliation, we have reached a tentative deal. Please check your email for information and watch for contract ratification meeting updates from PSAC in the near future. Thank you for the support you showed our team through the strike mandate; we were able to achieve an agreement with that unity and solidarity.


In solidarity, your bargaining team.


February 29, 2024

We had an outstanding voter turnout for the strike vote and we want to thank you for your unanimous support of a strike mandate.

As you know, members of Local Y025 have worked without a contract since September 2022. After having been at the table for over eight months the Local’s bargaining team applied for conciliation on November 28, 2023.

We are still in conciliation this week and your support means we have a united stance to bring to the Employer. The outcome of this strike vote sends a clear message that the Employer must come to the table with a fair deal for members.

Please stay tuned for further updates, and once again thank you for your support.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Team

July 4, 2023

Progress, Agreements, and Future Plans

Your bargaining team met with Yukon Hospital management the week of June 12. Negotiations progressed quickly, and we reached agreement on a number of items and several language changes to existing Articles.

Agreed to items:

The grievance article has been rewritten and updated. A new Article with more comprehensive provisions for Domestic or Sexualized Violence Leave has been agreed to. Compassionate Care leave has been updated to keep pace with legislative changes. A new Letter of Understanding for Rotational Part-Time Employees was signed off as well.

Discussion Items:

The Union team spent a fair amount of time reviewing issues members wanted raised at the bargaining table. This included continued discussions regarding workload, morale, the increased use of agency personnel, priority of call-ins for additional work, staffing levels and vacancies, and the new draft “Fit for Work” policy.

We also discussed the letters of understanding at the back of the Collective Agreement.

We discussed the potential creation of a new Health Authority and the impact it will have on hospital workers.

We moved much faster than anticipated and were able to table the financial proposals on the last day of bargaining. We proposed parity with YG workers in general economic increases – 4.5%, 3% and 3%. We also proposed changing our bargaining and contract cycle to align with YG’s, because of the potential creation of the Health Authority. In this instance that means an expiry of December 31, 2024, shorter than usual. Our proposals are based on labour market research, member proposals and the recent ratified agreement with YG. 

Other items discussed included improvements to vacation leave, shift differentials, the introduction of a new training premium, and parity with YG wage improvements and bonuses for LPN’s.

Bargaining resumes the week of September 18.

In the meantime, please feel free to contact any of the bargaining team members if you have any questions about bargaining. 


March 17, 2023

Overview of Tabled Union Proposals

Please click the link below to review the bargaining proposals given to the employer on March 6, 2023 by your union team.


March 8, 2023

Bargaining Update, Local Y025

We have begun bargaining a new Collective Agreement with the Yukon Hospital Corporation.

Local Y025 President Leah Santo, Anne Hotte, and Laura Howser make up our Bargaining Team. They will work with the PSAC Negotiator and Yukon Employees' Union to negotiate a contract that meets our needs in these challenging times.

The employer and union teams met the week of March 6 in Whitehorse for preliminary talks and the exchange of proposal packages. Many of the benefits you've won in previous contracts are in the employer's sights, but we will not engage in concession bargaining.

If you want to help us fight for a strong contract and improvements to our working conditions, we urge you to step forward and work to support the bargaining team. We will need members ready to talk to other workers and build pressure on the employer from the workplace floor.

Please watch your inbox for bargaining updates, a member survey and more. If you haven't already done so, please SUBSCRIBE TODAY for email updates, making sure to subscribe with your personal email address, and recording your employer on the form.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Team
Local Y025



Membership (person level):
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